Pal's Waggy Tail

A waggy tail usually means a happy dog. The exception to the rule is a medical detection dog where it could be the first sign of an alert.

Whilst at lunch today with my friend Claire, I noticed how Pal stood up from his comfy seat laying under the table to a standing position, staring at his mum with a waggy tail.

"What's up Pal?" Claire asked and held out the palm of her hands. Pal licked one hand then the other and lifted a paw to touch his mum's knee.

"Good boy Pal!" Claire replied and reached for her test kit. A quick prick test showed her blood sugar had dropped.

"What a good boy!" Claire patted Pal on the head and gave him a treat.

I've seen Pal alert before during a photoshoot back in August but it still fascinates me. What a life-saving treasure he is!

If you want to follow Claire and Pal on their daily adventures find them on Twitter here.

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