
By DevonDumpling


Today my daughter Kelly and her family have an addition to their family. Meet Danny, a seven week old Labrador/Retriever FOSTER GUIDE DOG! He will be with them for twelve months..for training. Kelly has wanted to do this for a long time....she knows it will be difficult to give him back at the end of his training, but will do it with the knowledge that he will be going on to an amazing life.

My Grandson Thomas took these I'm cheating...just a 'one off' .... today HAS to be recorded in my journal. I'm very proud of them. Hopefully we will be able to visit in a couple of weeks. Danny was named in memory of someone, and his parents were Holly and Nick. He will be monitored all along the way by the Society...lets hope he makes the grade. One thing for sure.....he's going to get lots of love!

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