What I think about...

By sparram


Little guy.

I just couldn't save him, he'd been through too much. He's had his screen replaced twice, sand stuck in his lens (painful), wrong size battery stuck in him (again painful), been around the world and now that's it.

He had a good life, but it ended too soon. He still had a picture or two left in him.

Now the lens just comes out and then goes back in again when I turn him on.

In a previous life, I worked in electronics, so I like fixing things.

Spent most of the day fixing PC issues and smartboard issues. Never understood why they call them smartboards when the folk working them, canny work them.

Done in after the weekend! Half marathon on Saturday, so week of rest maybe, but I'm sure I'll be out on the bike at some point.

Thanks IXUS60 X

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