Life In Wales

By KarenC

Elizabeth's Footprint

Today  I had the privilege of meeting and walking with a very special lady.  It was -1 degree, with a bitter cold wind, so I had my thermals on and set off to join Natalia Spencer who for the last year has been walking the coast of Great Britain.  She started at Durdle Door in February 2016 and will finish there on 7th February this year, having walked 6,000 miles.

She's doing this in memory of  her 5 year old daughter Elizabeth who sadly passed away on 10th December 2015, and is raising money for the Wallace & Gromit Grand Appeal for poorly children at the Bristol Children's Hospital.  You can read more about it here and if anyone can spare even just a few pounds here's the link to her Just Giving Page - she's currently raised over £100,000!

This morning, Natalia had walked with Neill and Suzanne from Newhaven Marina, and I met them in Saltdean where we had a hot drink before walking along the undercliff walk to the marina.  After a quick stop, we carried on into Brighton where Alison joined us at the pier.  We then continued to Hove where we had another refreshment stop, after which I left the group as I needed to get back. They were carrying on to Worthing and walked 22 miles in total - I did 10 miles and 21,116 steps, so I'm quite pleased with that, and enjoyed the walk and the company.

I told Natalia that I was into photography but she misheard me and thought I said 'intimate' photography.  I think the poor girl wondered who had turned up to walk with her, and I'm so glad she asked me what I meant - we had a few laughs about my 'very intimate photography' lol!  I explained about Blip and said that I would be writing about her today and I'll send her the link so she can have a look for herself.

Good luck with the final stretch of your journey Natalia!

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