Farm book

A recently new bedtime routine involves reading a chapter of this farm book before going up to bed.  CyclopsJnr loves the farm book.  It can even persuade him to get out of the bath.  During the day he enjoys looking at the farm book and talking about it.  

Today Grandma was here in the morning, and CyclopsJnr was disappointed when she left.  When Grandma brought her wheely case downstairs, CyclopsJnr got his out too.  When Grandma had gone CyclopsJnr couldn't be cheered up with any of his usual favourites, so MrsCyclops decided she might as well strip the bed and put some washing on.  Unexpectedly CyclopsJnr got right into that and the time flew.  Suddenly it was time to leave for the childminder.

After the childminder we went to the park for a while.

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