Grebe, Lake Alexandrina

A friend and I went to Lake Alexandrina looking for these beautiful birds late this afternoon. We stayed till dark so not back home until 11pm.
Found this one and its mate just when the sun was almost down. They were building a nest away in under a willow tree. Their nest had all been washed away in the spring so as yet no young ones around.
Impossible to have my big heavy lens on a tripod as I was right down at water level to try and take under the tree and the branches were at water level. Not in focus but thought some folk might be interested in seeing this bird.
We had a picnic tea sitting by the lake it was so peaceful. this lake is special as only row boats allowed on it because of the wildlife.
We will go back and conquer photographing these birds, meantime enjoy my out of focus one. Determined to get one with its babies on its back.
Been exciting seeing my sunflower up on page two

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