
By amberelli

Stockton River Rat Race 2012...

That's me and my race buddy that is!

Seriouly the hardest thing I have ever had to do. The water was so cold that I couldnt swim 20m because I just couldn't catch my breathe...which scared me. It took ages to literally just swim that.

Then the running I struggled with. You were already shattered when you got to the assault courses. The kayaking was alright I suppose but again, you were wrecked.

Then jumping off the ship terrified me. I mean I did it, but again the water was so cold! It was SO high! And then you kept falling and falling then you were under the water for what felt like ages. Chris jumped a few seconds after me and still came up faster. When I came to the surface I was all panicy and Chris pulled me over to the man in the kayak. It was honestly the scariest thing I have ever done jumping off that ship.

Then the final stretch we really went for it and I got really bad cramp and every step was awful. I came over the finish line pretty much crying. Now im hurting like hell and have done something to my knee but I dont know which part of the race I did it in. We got our medals and I just couldnt stop shaking. I was proud of myself for doing it. But know I was an absolute idiot for not training.

We will be doing it again next year and I will learn from this year. I must train for it or I'm going to be as bad as I was this year.

Without my race buddy I would have given up before I even started. He helped me from start to finish. Despite having a great fear for both heights and water he aced the race and helped me out all the way. I couldn't have done it without him, I know it. A massie thank you to Chris. I will never forget our Rat Race! xx

Also wanna thank everyone who came along to watch us too. Without their continuous support I wouldn't have done it. A hug from my mam at the end set me off crying too.

Thanks to my mam for letting me do the race and coming to support me and my race buddy. Thanks to Amy for cheering us on and being our awesome little Turtle. Thanks to Katie (who can take all credit for this blip because she was my trusty photographer all day)! Amy,'re dad's the bee's knees!! Thanks to Bron for being there for us and having an awesome husband :)

Lots of love, Amberelli xxx

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