Blugh kind of Day.

My body knew it had a day off today so it decided to just go blugh. I didnt realise it wasn't feeling right when I got on the spin bike for 40 minutes but it jolly well knew it was once I got off and felt like death! I did actually have to lay on the floor for a while!!!

I carried on trying to do a bit of housework, feed the birds and clean the bathroom thinking it was just still 'death by spin'  until I though 'no!', PJ day it is!

Luckily Mr W is working today so I can just please myself for a few hours and have a snuggle up on the sofa with the fluffy cushions and Grannie blanket. 

Trouble is, I get a bit bored and end up buying things on the web. That's a camera coat ordered!!! The new Ball gown is awaiting Mr W's approval!!

I think I'm turning into a Hermit!

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