She's a Rainbow

I really wanted some fresh air and a bit of a walk today. I'd have been better off going out in the morning as the weather was lovely. As it was there was a heavy shower after lunch but it passed and I headed up to the moor. There was another little shower on the way but I set off to a familiar place but intending to get there in a different way. 

The light was gorgeous as I set off but as I set up my first shot, it darkened and the rain started again. I carried on because I was sure it would soon pass. The rain turned to hail and it was blowing hard and stinging my face where it hit. I took shelter in the lee of a large square rock and waited for it to pass. After a little while a rainbow apeared looking wonderful against its rocky surroundings. When I noticed the little tree that was set behind it centrally, I focussed on it and I think it makes quite an unusual shot. There are a few more here if you'd like to see them

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