Childof theUniverse 1

By PetkinBrown

Love these posh buttercups ❤️

......All met for breakfast first thing...Son has his CD's piled up on every surface in his bedroom, suggested that he might spend some of his hard earned cash on a large cd holder...(He orders one from Argos but then arranges to pick it up at a branch on the other side of town).....Mum's taxi takes him there.....!! While he mooches around PC World/Curry's I wander around Homebase....Oh I do love these big buttercups ❤️ Although many were rather frost damaged...(Beautiful but too early to buy surely)....Xx
Extra shows a hyacinth I bought the other day, I thought it would be good to follow its progress. The other extra is a bunch of daffs I bought weeks ago that have been frozen in a vase in the garden....They were cheap so I got several bunches replacing them with fresh ones regularly until these ones were frozen solid....They still look wonderful.......

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