Getting some fresh air
After a very muddy walk yesterday, we had to clean the push-chair which was covered in mud, for one child, this meant messing around outside with water and having a great time cavorting around. For the other baby, it meant being sat outside in his chair, being wrapped up in an old army fleece to watch the goings-on. Not the best entertainment, but needs must.
To further my excellent parenting, on the trip back from the supermarket today, the eldest was entertained by unpacking my bag, which is a frequent form of entertainment. It happened to have one of my favourite lipsticks in it - a rather swanky number from a snazzy store in the City, where I was assured I now had my 'bobby neutral' by an overly camp man, as if I had now found all I could want in a lip stick. Anyway, today, the boy had found all he wanted and covered his face with it - how could you be angry when he looked just so hilarious.
Also, sadly, the gypsies left us today - really rather enjoyed having them at the bottom of the road. I ran past their round-about and to their credit, aside from all the horse poo, there wasn't any sign they had ever been there, nothing. I'm sure many would expect them to have left a whole lot of rubbish and all sorts.
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