Just a parrot's life

By ellenparrots

Update Mickey (cushings disease)

see also my Blip from Friday August 24, 2012

the only thing I was waiting for is the blood results about the proteins in her blood. Not good news..... we already knew that this is a big problem and that this for sure is caused by the cushings disease. The lack of proteins is also the cause that she constantly gets too much fluids in her tummy. The result of the blood test last Friday is, that she has more less proteins in her blood... There is nothing we can do about this, only trying to give Mickey food in which have more proteins in, such as chicken, cheese, egg white, veggies, nuts.. I also got through the University Clinic some Emeriad (dr. Lafeber). This is very expensive stuff, but I start to give her some of that too every day. We keep on fighting! right??

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