This morning I headed off from my site very early and took some dawn photos down at Moeraki rocks. There was some pretty colour in the sky so I felt it had been worth the early start.
From there I drove south. I had thought I'd come away with no specific plans in mind, but realised that I couldn't go home without visiting Blaze's cross. The paddock behind it was a beautiful sea of gold - a different sort of gold from yesterday's sunflowers. It looked so lovely with a backdrop of ripe wheat that it would have been my blip.
But . . .
As I headed back north I stopped off at a creek I'd never stopped at before and this Royal Spoonbill took to the sky. It's the first time I've really caught a decent photo of one in flight so it has to be my blip. It was fortunate that I managed to photograph it against a blue part of the sky. This gives the idea that it was a peerless blue day - but it's a false impression. There was plenty of white cloud around, I was just lucky!
I've put Blaze's cross in extras because it really did look great. I 'm sure if he was aware of it he'd be enjoying the colour and the gentle rustling sound it was making in the wind.
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