
I had not heard this term before but Fordcombe, a nearby village, still has a parish lengthsman.  Jimmy here died in 2007.  Mr Streeter, Jimmy's successor has recently resigned and the village is advertising for a new lengthsman. 

The term goes back  a long way.  According to Wiki :- The term Lengthsman, coined in the 1700s, originally referred to someone who kept a "length" of road neat and tidy, but lengthsmen were used on canals and railways from the beginnings of both. On roads, lengthsmen were responsible for a few miles between adjacent villages and sometimes their duties encompassed the village itself. Employed by local parish councils, their job was, among other things, to keep grass and weeds down in the verge, keep drainage ditches clear, and sometimes repair fences. Litter, such as it was in those times, was collected and even wild flowers were tended to.

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