
I helped Tim do a proper deep clean on his 'old' car today, ready to put it up for sale soon.  Took this photo while Tim was hosing the car down at the start - the light coming through the tree and the steam onto the garage roof just appealed to me.

I spent most of my time trying to get rid of a load of green mossy stuff from the rain channel in the boot - so hard to get at!  I got there in the end though, and by the time we'd finished the whole thing was sparkling.

I then took a load of photos of the car, so that he can advertise it on the message board at work (7,000 people in his building, so it seems a good place to start!)

We were going to treat ourselves to a Chinese takeaway this evening, but after making myself really hungry going through the menu and choosing what to order, I phoned up and discovered they're closed for Chinese New Year.  D'oh!  We had an easy oven-y type dinner instead, and went out for a ride in Tim's new car a little later on.

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