This was the only photo I took today! We walked around the lake Koukkujärvi in Nokia with hubby and Sami. It was very dull day and I didn't find much photography inspiration. In the picture is a wall of an old building along the route. We started an attic cleaning project in the home - it's a tough job! We have stored too much.
It was another early morning for Emma, this time she left to Espoo with B-girls. Pyrintö girls had a great start and they were in lead all the time. Emma got a best player of the game award. Well done, my dear!
Espoo Basket Team - Pyrintö White 65 - 81
We got also Leevi to home later in the evening, they had great trip and he brought us nice homecoming gifts from the tax free shop.
+0°C, very cloudy
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