Strike that. Reverse it!


Oh man!

Does this marketing really work? Would you buy them for this packaging? Surely not. There's puns and then there's.... I hadn't even spotted the packaging until I went for my second tonight! Yep I did say second, diets going well..... I certainly didn't buy them as a result of the packaging. Nope! The fact they were on offer and marzipan was enough. It could've been in any packaging lol

So this is why I stopped blip last year. My weekends are just full of jobs nowadays. We never get out properly. So I could do an iron blip or cooking blip but I don't really want to remember my life that way. So I hunt for a photo .... then get more wound up by the fact another weekend has passed and all I've really done is jobs! I wonder if I'll ever get the hang of work life balance and be able to do fun things at the weekend. A walk would be nice.

So enough moaning, that's the weekend gone. Head down for another week... not looking forward to tomorrow. :( difficult meetings to be had.

Hope you've had a good weekend xxx

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