Snow Down Under

By snowy


As seen from my top garden.........well its over. The king has been crowned & hopefully life will get back to a semblance of normality. Wasn't that thrilling ? One of the best tennis matches I've seen. I have the utmost sympathy for Nadal who in the final match/game lost two points due to the Hawkeye decision - which showed you how close the game was. It could have gone either way. Absolutely fascinating ! Finally, in a state of absolute exhaustion I took myself off to bed at 2am with a big smile on my face. WELL DONE FEDERER. I SALUTE YOU.

It has been another glorious hot day with a brisk cooling wind kicking in, in the afternoon I imagine the walkers will be very weary ? I have groups of lilies flowering here in the midst of the rhodos but the lake was shimmering in the sunshine so decided on a lake shot - maybe lilies tomorrow. It is early to bed for me.

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