
By DevonDumpling

'Hurry home'

I had a great time last night...Rick Storm and his 22 year old son played twenty minutes over the 11o'clock we danced on. Over 100 people there..if you knew Line Dancing you would understand that each choreographed dance has 32 or 64 steps with quarter, half and triple turns, lots to retain....,some of them were remembering dances from fifteen years ago. I only started eight or nine years ago .... No alcohol drunk...we have to keep our brains sharp. My new shoes were great! Home just before midnight.

I haven't done much today....Simon has been home for the weekend, so I made him Chicken curry. As my kitchen window is at the front of the house, I can watch the world go by as I work. These two little dogs in the house opposite, sat in the window for a couple of hours watching for their owners return. It gave me a Blip....roll on Spring....I miss my flowers!

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