The second half of life..

By twigs

The shed

My house has spanned three centuries and I suspect the shed is every bit as old.  Cerainly there must be a good hundred-plus years of cobwebs in places!  

It's been an idea of mine for a while now - to add a 'floor' to one area and possibly even a door.  Now that would be novel!  The whole shed is in a desperate state of disrepair though (I can hardly believe it stood resolutely through the recent big quake!) so it's not worth investing any money into it until I decide how/if I will I will rebuild it.  I do however have plenty of bits and pieces of old and not so old recyled or surplus timber.......perfect for building 101!

I didn't plan all this to happen and it certainly wasn't on my mind as a job for the long weeeknd, but I find myself at the end of today with cobwebs for Africa all over everything, everything all over the lawn and an empty shed-end!

Tomorrow will be interesting '~'  

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