
My bedtime reading at the moment is Gift From The Sea by Anne Morrow Lindberg.  It is a wonderful book, meditative, wise and calming, which I was given at Christmas by a dear friend whose mother gave her a copy of it many years ago.  One wouldn't think it was written in 1955, it's equally relevant today. Link to it here .  No one I have spoken to seems to know about it, have any of you read it?

It has a chapter on the American Channelled Whelk, but this is the shell of a different whelk, the Common or Waved one, which it in our front garden.  It was on the top of a cane to avoid me poking my eye out on it, but it has been blown off and lodged itself safely in the drift wood.

Another rather grey wet day.  Ollie and I had a long walk over to Sandwick Bay, and got caught in two downpours.  We were just about dry by the time we got home, then the sun came out!  Typical!

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