D'aicí enfòra

By chaiselongue

Following the rules

A desk day, really, with no prospect of lunch out! Just as well we went to the sea yesterday as it has rained heavily this morning, for the first time for over a month, much needed for the garden and making the air much fresher at last.

Yesterday evening was spent catching up with news from the World Bog-Snorkelling Championships at Llanwrtyd Wells that has attracted a lot of media attention to daughter E and her partner S. Apparently, their photo is in the Daily Mirror and the South Wales Echo, but so far my usual morning read, the Guardian, hasn't picked up the story! Touchingly, and contrary to some of the ridiculous quotes made up by tabloid journalists, S asked the question in Welsh which he's learnt since he met E. Llongyfarchiadau i'r dau ohonoch chi!

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