Injured swans.

There were two very unpleasant incidents in Bushy Park this morning, both concerning swans.
There were several "visiting" swans on the Heron Pond .The resident pair of swans were not happy and were giving chase to them all. Two juvenile swans - their bills were not fully orange yet - had been chased relentlessly and had retreated  out of the pond into the bracken. By this time the swans were fatigued and unable to fly. Suddenly a large black dog rushed into the bracken and savaged one of the swans. We ran but were too far away to help. Another gentleman had reached the swan which was badly injured, and he phoned the Swan Sanctuary. While we were standing with the poor swan I saw one of the bully swans was chasing the other swan  and attacking it - as you can see in my photo he was really vicious. I ran over and was able to separate the swans by jamming my camera and telephoto lens between them. I then chased the bully off. He kept trying to come back but I just kept between the two swans. This  swan was also injured and though able to walk, was thoroughly traumatised. The folk from the Swan Sanctuary were amazing - see extra photos. They took both swans off to the Sanctuary. They assured me that if they did not remove the second swan, he would have been killed by the end of the day.
It was a shock to me to see how vicious a swan can be.
I am not going to comment on the dog attack other than to say that dogs near the pond should be on leads - I'm afraid too many folk do not comply. I'm really upset - those of you who follow my journal know how passionate I am about the swans. A swan being attacked by another is one thing, a dog attack is unforgivable as it could, and should have been prevented.

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