Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Malarkey Being Plotted

My Dear Fellow,

An Amazon box of "Lite" cat biscuits turned up today. This is to help Jasper lose weight. Little fatty bumsticks weighed in at a hefty 7.22 kg over the weekend so we are going to start swapping out his regular biscuits for the WeightWatchers version. 

Poor little guy. I know how he feels.

Jasper made his feelings known about his impending diet by clambering straight into the box and rolling about. Punky, of course, found this fascinating. Here's Punky trying to lure Jasper out of the box by showing his tum and being cute.

The events depicted in this picture were followed by rolling around, wrestling and chasing around the flat. I'm so glad the little guys have each other. They love malarkey. And malarkey is excellent for burning off calories too.

Maybe I should start chasing Er Indoors around the flat. I think we'd both prefer that to diet biscuits.

El P.

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