Bicycles Of Old York

Night was drawing in after a lovely afternoon spent with C, a good friend from the hospital, in the Art Gallery cafe. She and I are trying to meet about monthly when we can.

I wandered round the King's Manor next door to the gallery and stumbled on this. Played around and didn't really put too much serious store by the sign and bike imagery until I got home and opened emails...

The General Pharmaceutical Council has called my CPD portfolio. To say it's not up-to-date is an understatement. I think I need registration to continue teaching on the Leeds course - even though it's about education, not pharmacy. Looking into it.

So, as you see, the image is far more loaded than I realised when pressing the shutter...

J and I are off to Bristol tomorrow for a few days to help daughter, F, move stuff into the studio space she's managed to bag. F and I are seriously pondering doing some collaborative work.

Time to reflect...

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