Inspecting The Hose Reel.

Went out to lunch with some of the girls from work today.  Two of them I haven't seen for ages.  Caught up with all the news and gossip. ( Sad to hear an ex-workmate had died.  He was younger than me and retired before me.  Had no idea he was ill, the dreaded c word again.)

We all met at the same restaurant on the beach front as last year, only to find it closed on Mondays!  We met on a Wednesday last time.  So, we walked a bit further down to another place.  Lovely day for a bit of a walk, even in high heels.

The food was delicious and a lot of it!

Rushed home to look after Isabella.  She wanted to go in the garden.  So she walked around and inspected everything.  Then she wanted to go in the pool.  It was hot, so why not.  Off came all the clothes and in she went.

Easy for me as I just have to sit and watch her.

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