Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

White horse

Kind of a grey grungy day.. a cold wind from the north.    I wasn't plannng on a lot of action today anyway but only made it outside as far as the beach and then to the studio..  Our Tai chi  class is challenged to do 15 minutes of Tai chi for the next 100 days ...starting with Chinese New’s not that easy for me but the focus and some self care I think will help with some of the craziness in the news.  It’s embarrassing to be an American right now but I don’t look at the news much here in Canada.  It’s good to know that the sea has it’s own rhythm that no one person is going to change.  

The Weekly Blip Challenge this week is “horses” —this will be a tough one here on the island so I’m grabbing these “white horses” of breaking waves while I see some.  Thesaurus definition: A wave that is blown by the wind so it’s crest is broken and appears white,. 

poems with white horses ; Kipling,  David Lewis Paget

Edit;  Ceridwen had a wonderful Virginia Woolf quote from 
The Waves that fits so well.  too bad I didn't think of it....

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