Life is Incredible

By Knightly

Fire Station

this is a bit lame, but here is the story. this was taken yesterday.

i took rich to the airport. he was flying to north carolina for his aunt's funeral. i brought my camera. we have a new, beautiful airport. only problem was i didn't park, just let him out. didn't have the time or a good shot to take. next, i went to costco for gas, etc. i took this shot of our fire station from the parking lot.
i didn't get to take another photo yesterday.

this brings up the question: to publish when i have a good picture or to just publish. i opted for publishing.

when i started blip, i was going to publish every day no matter what. after my trip to florida, i didn't want anything to do with the camera. not sure why. now i am more inspired.

hope everyone is having a great holiday. all the best.

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