I should know to let sleeping pigs lie, but as I approached with my apple core there was uproar. The squeals from Rafiki's mate were deafening. Timon, the mate, bullies Rafiki by biting him, thus more squealing. I knew I had to share the apple core or Rafiki would be getting a serious doing! The trick is to feed Timon first then whilst he is nose down troughing, give Rafiki a little extra.
The hens are still cooped up, I feel so sad for them. They have stopped clucking. I see the need to escape in their eyes when I walk in to feed them. If only I could offer them a Mel Gibson 'Rocky'. At least I can assure them that they are not destined for pies.
Quizzing tonight. I am a little surprised at how well we work as a team and how much air punching we do when we get the a right answer. I am also amazed at how much crap we collectively know, and yet we are never near winning.
Little Victories!
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