Little River Beach.

This actually happened yesterday....but since i'd already posted a blip....and didn't know that we would be heading off for a late afternoon picnic - i decided to post a few today cos it was pretty awesome.   And nothing much is happening here today, other than a cabin has been prepared for the incoming guests!

We headed out around 3.30 pm which was actually a bit later than i had wanted to....i knew that the light would be best down there around 3.30 - 4pm!!!  oh well i thought, just let it'll have a fabulous adventure anyways!!!  but as we started walking down the beach, and the sun had gone behind the hills i was getting a bit irritated.....and it was colder now that the sun was gone.   My bum knee started giving me some grief...these beaches are mostly rounded stones...not easy to walk on at the best of times!   So Terry went on and i decided to just sit and watch the amazing display of light out on the water!   It truly was magnificent.   I soon found a rhythm to the way the light changed on the some 160 images later....i was very happy!   just sitting there witnessing the changing sky was wonderful!   Back to the truck, wine, cheese and crackers and a lovely view of the sea!  

I feel quite  inspired to try and turn some of these images into paintings....well at least as a starting off point.

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