An Avid Lensman

By SarumStroller

Mission Control - Bournemouth Pier Calling!

Wet, rainy, drizzly, misty, dull, followed by rain, drizzle and then more rain, what a lovely afternoon to pop down to Bournemouth!

I would have loved to have had a hot bath when I got home just now, cold, damp through and through but no hot water, as has been the case for the past month. No means for a shower, washing the dishes or washing clothes either, other than kettle after kettle.

After several thwarted attempts, all errors on behalf of the Council (landlords) and the Contractor, finally got it fixed yesterday! Well, that what the lady electrician told me, but I knew that just replacing two switches would ever produce hot water when all along, it's two knackered, worn out 15 year heating elements need replacing.

So annoyed was I at the madness and frustration of it all, I went a bit barmy and this morning fled for the coast. I phoned the Council etc and ten minutes later the Contractor said they were sending around someone this evening! Well, golly gosh, you can't get them out without appointments a week in advance and suddenly, when you are miles away and cannot get back by bus quick enough...

So, it could be Thursday. I'm keeping both my big toes crossed... 

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