I started and ended the work day with my lovely colleague, H. Today is her birthday so we breakfasted on scrambled egg rolls with extra cheese. (I wish I had brought a birthday candle!). We had a good day and a lot of good outreach was done. Happy birthday H!!

I walked home to get the steps up and once back in Porty I saw an old colleague of Dr T called G. He was struggling to stay upright and was seriously bent over to one side. He's at least 75 and may be more like 80. I had been listening to the news about the loneliness commission set up in memory of Jo Cox MP. I was faced with someone I knew somewhat who was struggling to keep moving forward. I approached him and asked if I could help him along and thankfully he accepted. We had a good chat on the way to the chippy and then to his home. I learned that his wife had passed away, a woman I knew and liked, and that his son-in-law had also died at the age of 42. Both died of cancer and both spent their final days at St Columba's Hospice. Despite all this, G said that he was physically unbalanced but emotionally balanced and he was certainly in good spirits. His daughter and grandchildren live with him which allayed some of my fears for his safety. It was a pleasure to chat with G. I'm glad I stopped and asked.

We all have a duty to be kind.

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