
By CharlieBrown

Good Grief 233

Wired ...or, what is that we are plugged into, or not, and things noticed ...
The ongoing theme of exhaustion has continued and sleep has long been problematic.
It was no different today at work and I was shattered when I finished and headed down the motorway this evening. But also realising a feeling of relief. I'd made it to this point, just one of so many such points but with a really noticeable sense of the relief of the momentary safety to just be.
Now, there is a difference in sound, the TV seems a bit less harsh, there is a calm, and a different tiredness, an almost slightly drunken soporific wash and I reckon there's a chance of sleeping for 100 years.
I know it's momentary.

I still woke up at 4am which seems standard these days but to an image of my cells individually chilling out in stripey deckchairs on the beach sunbathing (all with sunglasses), possibly Brighton or similar. Bizarre, I know.  And it hasn't lasted of course.

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