A New Chapter Begins

Very long day - took a lot longer to pack up the rest of our house in Mora than we'd expected - we arrived in Portugal with one car load, and now we have four! How does one accumulate so much in one year?? Washing machine, microwave, gas heater, four fans, baby car seat and pushchair, books, food, crockery...

Our colleague, AJ, was a huge help - what a friend! Then he and J drove their car full of stuff, along with ours, all the way to Mourão; helped lug it up the four flights of stairs and unpacked a fair amount, before we went out for a meal together. They've now driven back to Mora, while we went up to the castle and caught the end of the novena.

The photo is the view from our new bedroom window, with the castle lit up for the big festa starting tomorrow - the church is built into the walls, and was packed tonight.

M is wandering about trying to find bedding; I'm using his phone as a hotspot - must see if we can find out about internet tomorrow...

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