Documenting, Labelling, Archiving

Well, not exactly.  These words just entered my head as I was busy filling up boxes to put into the shed, to clear the house some more in preparation for the viewers, but also to get some things packed already.  What goes into the shed now will not be brought back into the house any more.

I am not yet going to pack in this candle, though.  Bought it years ago, in Breda, I think.  I think it was intended as a gift to someone and I just ended up keeping it myself because I realized the person would not appreciate it.  It's on my shelf functioning as a book-end.

Had neither the time nor the weather to shoot outside today.  At 11.00, went with hubby to the hearing-aid shop because they wanted to test his hearing and measure his response to the voice of someone he knew.  Turned out that he didn't really need to be tested as his hearing aids still work well and he's satisfied with them.  Spent the rest of the day working at home.  Finished my correction work, as I promised, and inputted the marks but did not finalize them yet.  I want to give the second-year students three days to protest and question my decision, which they have the right to do.  As their mentor, I also mailed them the reflection assignments for this semester.  Then worked on the Management and Organization MOOC.  It seems to be quite interesting, in any case more worthwhile than I thought.  I have let my Spanish go for a while but I don't think I want to sign out.  That's what's fab about MOOCs -- you can take them at your own pace.  In the meantime, hubby is at his bridge evening in Breda.

Thanks for visiting once in a while.  There's been a lot on my mind still, and the same goes for hubby.  Things are going on and while we're not directly affected right now, so much can change in 24 hours.  On the one hand, I do not know why some people in high places have to make life so hard and uncomfortable and hellish for others.  On the other hand ... yes, I do understand, and the conclusions I'm forced to come up with are unattractive, frightening, and depressing. 

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