Time For A Bath
Hello Blipfriends!
Dolly here!
I have a LOT of friends! Human friends. Dog friends. And lots of cuddly toys which we also call my 'friends'.
Today Mum decided that some of my friends needed a bath! Whaaaaat?
"I'm not sure that's really necessary, is it Mum? In the WASHING MACHINE?? But I don't think they can all swim!!"
I could not talk her out of it. In they went. I stood guard.
"Are you OK in there, guys?"
"Mum! How much longer?"
Amazingly, they were fine. They even came out smiling. Even after some time in the drier. Phew!
Mum is in a decluttering mood and suggested that I might do MY part and think about getting rid of some of my collection.
"NO WAY, MUM! They're my FRIENDS!!"
So now I'm REALLY standing guard! See Extra photo.
In other news - Mum felt well enough to go to church this morning. Then we watched MORE skiing from Sweden. There was a 30km race for the men and 15km for the women. Very exciting! Apparently there are even longer races but we don't get to see those.
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