
By TBay

The colours of eggs

Our 10 hens, like most of the national flock, have been in for several weeks now as very strongly advised by DEFRA in order to try to make sure that they do not contract Avian Flu. We are lucky as our girls are snugggled up in a nice big double stable in deep shavings with ex rabbit hutches as make shift nest boxes. I have to say it all works very well and despite the sudden change in accommodation they have continued to lay producing between 7 and 9 eggs every day.

I just love the variety of colours they can produce. We have three Leghorn hybrids who lay the most lovely blue eggs which are always very popular! This is a shot of a selection of colours and sizes. They taste good too with lovely deep coloured yolks.

Farming - Two on compost hauling. Mr Tbay Jnr our hauling bales again today.

So to finish a few sayings egg related!

A Curates egg
To egg someone on
A good egg
Love and eggs are always best when fresh
You have to break eggs to make an omelette
Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow
Nest egg
Don't put your eggs all in one basket
And finally....
A whistling woman or a crowing hen are neither fit for God nor man !

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