twinned with trumpton


Month 2 / 2017. How did that happen? 

More bike related stuff; Crewe Toll, Granton, sunny Silverknowes and eventually the gloom and grey gave way to bright and warmer. but not before I had a sheen of mud speckledness on my trousers and shoes. 

Mostly perfunctory, the odd moment of eyebrow raising, and onwards, ever onward to Gorgie, then Morningside. 

I met her for a lunchtime wander; she distracted, me tired. Roll on Saturday. It's been a while in the planning. Even longer in the execution. 

And eventually I rolled up at Muirhouse after 3; finally to school for the boys and home for chilli. 

We're all about the house in our own little spaces; zoned out a bit. 

We need early nights, I reckon. :)

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