Bella would love this

Got the train into Wigan as I had an appointment at Boston House Clinic where parking is awful and I also needed to do some shopping. I had a nice walk around town, in the 2 years I have lived here I've never really had a good mooch around town. I spotted this little ride as I was looking for a cafe for a bit of lunch before my appointment. It's Ben, Holly and Gaston from Ben and Holly's little kingdom one of Bellas favourite programmes. I found a cafe and had tea and a lovely toasted tea cake.
Got to my appointment at the musculoskeletal clinic really early but I went straight in to see the consultant. He looked at the x Ray from last year and he told me I had arthritis in both my hips. My GP had told me a year ago I had no signs of arthritis and that's why I went to physio and ultimately the pilates class. He was really reassuring and wants to see me in 6 months and I have to have another x Ray before the appointment. He has outlined future treatment if necessary but for now painkillers. It just shows speak to people in the know!

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