Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Raindrops keep falling on my ...

... head heart. Well someone else's actually. Andy and Elaine's to be more precise, whoever they are. I'm going to make some Sherlock type guesses. First off they are young - in their mid to late twenties I reckon, young enough to be this kind of romantic. Secondly they aren't poor because anyone who can get a heart shaped padlock engraved and leave it on Hungerford Bridge has at least enough money to scrape by. Thirdly they either met or married or got engaged on the 19th July. Fourth, they are not from London. Londoners don't consider Hungerford Bridge romantic. Fifth, they have been abroad and seen this done somewhere else - I'm guessing Paris. 

Do me a favour and share this blip on Facebook, I am dying to know who they are. It will keep me awake now if I don't get to hear from them ...

Anyway, what was I doing in London today (apart from getting a bit wet - rather drizzly)? Well I was (in TSM's words) looking like a hamster with my swollen abscess of a cheek and accompanied by her, who (cold still not gone) was croaking like a frog. So we made up a song for about having a day off work (to the tune of Froggie Went A Courtin'). See below, if you can bear it. Actually TSM was quite unkind. She said my cheek was so puffed up I could rent it out as an airbag. 

We did the Picasso portraits at the National Portrait Gallery. It closes on Sunday so we just caught it. Gorgeous. Every time I get to know Picasso I love him more. Quite Unique. Then lunch in Wagamamas next door and a walk across the street to The Garrick to see This House. Love this play. Has new relevance post Brexit. Then a quick trip to Foyles, a walk through Seven Dials back to Waterloo and a drink in the Royal Festival Hall before heading home. Great day out.

We are a couple of old romantics. We haven't actually locked anything on Hungerford Bridge to symbolise our love but it is there. Today, despite being a frog and a hamster, we were at our happiest together.

Froggie and Hamster went to town, uh-huh
Froggie and Hamster went to town, uh-huh

Froggie and Hamster went to town

They were up but the weather was down
uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh

Froggie took the Hamster to see some art, uh-huh
Froggie took the Hamster to see some art, uh-huh

Froggie took the Hamster to see some art

And they both took Picasso to their heart

Froggie took the Hamster to see a play, uh-huh
Froggie took the Hamster to see a play, uh-huh

Froggie took the Hamster to see a play

It made them smile for the rest of the day

Froggie and Hamster love their life, uh-huh
Froggie and Hamster love their life, uh-huh
Froggie and Hamster love their love
That is why they are husband and wife

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