Voyage of a Beagle & Lab

By Inez


How lucky am I? Mum chased me up and down the patio and then said I could keep this rubber glove - she was muttering "Hell mend you, I'm not taking you to the vet when you choke!". No idea what could be wrong with her, we had such a good day. Lovely and sunny and on both our trips to the park she played my favourite game with me, the one where I steal another dog's ball and then set about pulling it apart - every time she gets close I run away. I know she loves this game - she has even started to carry extra balls to replace the ones I steal. You really would think she would be in a better mood after so much fun but something is very wrong - she's frowning a lot and munched her way through half a packet of chocolate digestives. Think there may be something wrong with the PC - she's been banging away on it for awhile and muttering about giving it away free to a good home - or any home that will take it. Coco x

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