well, the tile painting has been interesting...
having discovered that it's very hard to paint with glaze I have decided to paint my own designs on paper and get a few transfers made from them to make the tiles. I'm going to fire a few of the plain white glazed ones and paint them with paint too to see how that works...I think. I need another chat with my teacher. he'll be sick to death of me come march. why is ceramics so hard?!
anyway, this is my first design which will go into photoshop next and the background will be turquoise not white.

7.5k today, a few hills thrown in - crap weather, foggy and drizzly by the end but a good run anyway. I warmed down by doing a bit of leafleting...only to discover that dad had already done the streets I did. grrrraaaahhhrr. I'm an idiot.

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