The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Normal Service Resumed

Sleep certainly helped clear my head overnight, although a spell of sleep walking and becoming lost in our bedroom wasn't so much fun! The girls are glad to be home and we woke at half five to go out for our walk before I went training at half six. I had thought I might be a bit stiff from last night's training session but I felt grand...the last month of hard work has paid off! Home for eggs (I love egg whites in a carton, I'm in heaven!!) and then to the dentist. Argh! I have to go back for some treatment in two weeks time...poo.

I went to work afterwards and it was nice to catch up with the office staff and get my post sorted. I haven't quite woken my work brain up so I'll be back in tomorrow to give it a shake and dusting down!

Went to the local gym and joined up, then came home to walk the girls through the fields. Quality time. We played ball and I spring cleaned the cathartic! Tea has been eaten and now I'm ready to sort through the mountain of drying and get some reading done for school.

Feeling a little more settled now...thanks to everyone for all the lovely, caring coments. Blip definitely keeps me on the 'up'!

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