Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Fourteen - Red-bellied Woodpecker

It was another day where I needed an easy blip - happily, this male red-bellied 'pecker is a regular visitor to our garden and posed nicely to show off a bit of his namesake belly.  Fourteenth photographed yard bird this year. You can the entire collection HERE.

Today is Gretel's last day with us, and she spent a good part of it at the care facility with MIL.  I visited this morning and Hubs is there now.  Her mood changes throughout the day - this morning she was voicing her displeasure at being here with "a bunch of old people" but this afternoon she was chipper and in good spirits.  Last night, Hubs and Gretel got her and two other residents involved in a vigorous game of cards where the rules were vague and cheating was rampant - lots of laughs all around.  

Tomorrow morning we have our first "formal" meeting with the key staff at the home to discuss their evaluations and observations and to settle on a care plan going forward.  Definitely looking forward to this first meeting as we have many questions; and also eager to hear their thoughts.  The doctor who saw her yesterday has set a couple of additional appointments with specialists for her, so we're very confident that she's getting top-notch medical care.

Gretel will be leaving in the morning and while we are sorry to see her go, we also know we need to get into our own rhythm and routine with Virginia.  All good thoughts, prayers, mantras, etc are gratefully accepted, by the way.

Thank you for stopping by.


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