Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Royal Battle Charger

New buggy.

I've been struggling with our travel system buggy and dog walking, it's just not made for off roading, however it's awesome for around town. When we picked it we researched it loads and lots of people had said they used it for country dog walking fine, I guess they all had nice made up paths to walk along. It's such a hard thing to purchase before hand as you just don't really know until you start using it.

Lots of people said well use your sling for dog walking but currently I still can't walk that far with the sling :(

An all terrain/running buggy was always going to be gotten but I didn't intend on getting it just now as I felt very strongly about keeping Arthur parent facing, however having the right buggy for the terrain is far more important. The suspension and pneumatic tyres means that it's a nice smooth ride for him and there is a lovely large ventilation/viewing screen.

Of course first trip out and we got a puncture :(

Tyres have now all been slimed.

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