a new year!

By Thesalh70

Like a moth to the flame

For every 4 day week I'm sure that someone goes and takes bank holiday Monday, wraps it up with Tuesday, and then produces the longest day ever!!! Today was that day!

Had a good sleep and slightly overslept but still got to work way before 9am. Not many of us around in the office this week, good for the tea round (though not always good when ash makes a round!)

Lunchtime arrived...eventually and I met Triv for a coffee and cake at the new patisserie in town, lovely place.

Afternoon dragged somewhat today. Hometime arrived and whilst I should've gone to the gym, I chose to go home and have steak and salad instead!

Funny old day to be honest.

Didn't have much blip inspiration today only this moth caught in my greenhouse window, clinging to the light, no doubt.

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