Pink is the colour of passion
Well, that's what a line in the lyrics of the song Pink by Aerosmith says anyway ;-) A frame filling macro of the heart of the rose in this week's bouquet, a pink rose with reddish edges, for today's Flower Friday with the twist of 'love', with thanks to Anni/Bikerbear for hosting and setting the twists :-)
By the way, Happy Birthday everybody ! The 7th day of the Lunar New Year is traditionally seen as everybody's birthday in the New Year, just so you know !
CraftyLady just told me that even though she tagged her entry of yesterday AT84 it didn't show up in the AT84 collection, if you did have an AT entry could you please check if it turns up in that collection and tell me if it doesn't. I know of no other way to check than by the tags, short of looking through all Blips published on Thursdays, but that would be really hard to do.
Thanks very much for your kind comments and stars for yesterday's bunch of abstract tulips :-)
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