Between jobs (Day 631)

The bipolar weather continued today and the morning wander up the hill was nice enough in the sunshine. There was a fairly strong breeze blowing, which was a bit of a shame.
Back home, I got organised and headed off to look at a boiler that was being a bit problematic. From the customer's description, I was fairly sure what the problem would be, and it turned out I was right and I did a fairly easy, quick fix. From the first job, I went back to the loo fit from yesterday and stopped on the way to snap today's blip. The view looks down towards Aikerness beach where we walked the dogs yesterday. A much nicer day today, though the wind has continued to be very strong.
I finished off quickly at the job and headed for home, before taking the dogs to Wasdale, after which I was able to see my beautiful wife for a few minutes before she went off for another stupidly long shift at work. I am sure that there are very few people who would do a 24 hour shift at work.

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