
I finally sorted my attic yesterday! All clothes that were forming mountains now put away. Now to pull them all out again systematically to cull them! It took me most of the morning to gee myself up to do it, and halfway through the doorbell rang. Brummie Girl had arrived! She is an old friend of Colourful Mai's partner and I met her in June at the Craft Show. She had decided she could wait no longer for her partner to agree to actually move so decided to venture forth by herself and hope he followed! This week she finally moved!  I had offered to help her move in but she had been doing it gradually with her dad and so didn't need my help and I had forgotten the date she was coming for good!
Anyway - we had a long chat over a cup of tea. Like my Friend Vegan Jo she is now able to be the person she has always been but that had felt so out of place where she formerly lived. There are people in Birmingham who think Trump is right!! We spoke of veganism, principles, recycling, The Trump etc, etc! Also the deliciousness of being off grid to a certain extent - she has no landline and of course no phone signal being down in the village! She used my email to arrange a meeting on the allotment with the chairman as she is going to take a plot. 
She left me with strict instructions to finish my attic - I desperately tried to stop her going so I didn't have to! But she was going to return at 5 and do the chickens with me and I was going to point out the best plots to take! I also said I'd cook her dinner!
So - a thoroughly lovely and satisfying day - we drank a bottle of wine  after we returned from the plot, I cooked, we ate, we talked and after she left I  drank some more and even did some knitting! Must go and inspect it and make sure I did it right!! 
No photos taken so a quick dash up to the attic to represent my lovely tidy clothes!!! Yes I have no wardrobe- just lots of hanging rails and a great chimney breast to hang them on as well! To the left of the mirror you can spot the lovely Ukrainian waistcoat I bought surreptitiously at the Stitchfest with my sister in November!!

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