And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

Busy day

Well day started with dropping bud off at nursery second day back after a very long absence and the teacher phoned me to say she's like a different child. It's such a good feeling to know she's enjoying it. Me and my friend Lea went to morrisons had breakfast then decided to go up to my sons grave. I saw the most beautiful bird. A bullfinch. It was so much brighter than I have ever seen and this picture does it no justice what so ever. It was stunning. I adore birds. And it seemed to appear the time we turned up. It made me feel so good. I then got dropped at hospital to see dad in a terrible state indeed... I won't bore you with details. Poor poor dad. I stayed 2.5hours cuddles and getting him to eat and drink. Is hard word work in a hot hospital. I thren bussed to town and taxied to my sisters. Came home the girls fell asleep me and sis chatted about paps. And got upset. We ate dinner I returned to hospital at 7pm to find dad with no water or jug... And no bedding sat on the bed with ice cream all over his face looking in a daze. Big big sigh. Then I went to dad's to sort and give away his food. I'm now finally home drinking wine nice cold chardonnay. 

Love c xxx

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